What is the purpose of this project?
The Village of Grayslake has made continuous investments into the Grayslake Village Center over the last several decades. These investments have turned the Village Center into the heart of Grayslake for residents and visitors and made it the place we all love and appreciate today.
Will construction continue through the winter?
It is anticipated that the Contractor will complete resurfacing operations including removal of increte intersections and crosswalks by June 7, 2025. The work within the north alley may continue further into June depending upon the schedule of the various utility agencies.
Will construction impact access to local businesses?
Vehicular and pedestrian access will be maintained to all businesses during construction. There will be on-going communication and coordination with business owners throughout the project duration. You can sign up for emailed project updates by completing the Subscribe to Blog Via Email section at the bottom of this page.
Will our refuse collection and mail service be interrupted?
The Village has contacted Groot and USPS regarding the improvements. The Contractor is required to provide access to refuse collection and delivery services throughout the project duration.
Will any roads be closed during construction?
The roadway will not be closed to vehicular traffic during the construction operations. Please drive carefully through the construction work zone and follow the applicable temporary signs.
Is the Contractor willing to perform private work on my property?
The Contractor is not available nor willing to complete private work outside of the right-of-way.
Will my electric or cable service ever be disrupted?
For business within the Center Street North Alley, there will be a short window of time when services are cut over from the existing overhead lines to the cables buried in conduit. Village staff and the contractor will communicate the timing of this brief outage ahead of time and coordinate with you to minimize the disruption.
Will the construction noise wake me up?
Village of Grayslake working hours are from 7:00 AM to dusk; Monday thru Friday. No work or construction noise is permitted before 7:00 AM. There is currently no work anticipated on Sundays or legal, observed Holidays.
Will I ever be restricted access to my driveway or entrance?
The Contractor will be required to provide temporary access to all private driveways or public entrances. If it is determined through construction that a closure is required, additional information will be provided on an as-needed basis.
How can I stay up to date with the progress of the project?
You can sign up for emailed project updates by completing the Subscribe to Blog Via Email section at the bottom of this page.