Project Location and Limits
The 2025 Village Center Advancement Program includes multiple projects to help maintain and beautify downtown Grayslake. The 2025 Road Program includes resurfacing of Center Street from Lake Street to IL Route 83, including removal of the existing increte intersections and crosswalks throughout downtown. Concurrently, the Village is working with ComEd, AT&T, and Comcast to bury existing utilities within the north alley between Whitney Street and Slusser Street. Upon completion of the utility burial, the Village will complete streetscape and parking lot improvements within the north alley area.
Proposed Improvements
In general, the proposed improvements will include:
- Removal and replacement of 3” of HMA binder and surface.
- Full depth removal of existing increte intersections along Center Street and Hawley Street, as well as full depth removal of increte intersections on Center Street, Whitney Street, and Seymour Avenue.
- Drainage improvements and resurfacing of public parking areas at the Grayslake Feed Sales parking lot.
- Resurfacing of public alley and parking areas within the existing United Protestant Church Parking lot.
- Burial of existing overhead utility lines within the North Alley, between Slusser Street and Whitney Street.
- Streetscape and sidewalk improvements within the North Alley, between Slusser Street and Whitney Street.
- Parking lot improvements, including final landscaping and lighting improvements, within the parking lot north of the North Alley.

The 2025 Road Resurfacing project will include resurfacing of various roads throughout the Village.
What To Expect
The construction operations will likely create delays in travel, and motorists should allow extra time through the area. During working hours, two-way traffic will be maintained over one lane of pavement and be controlled with certified flaggers. Access to all homes and businesses will be maintained, whether by temporary stone ramps or permanent pavement. As with any construction project, there will occasionally be inconveniences you may experience when traveling through the area, but the Village and Contractor are working together to minimize the disruptions and nuisances.
The project team thanks you in advance for your patience and cooperation during this project. Motorists are urged to pay close attention to orange signs and flaggers in work zones, obey posted speed limits, avoid cell phone use, and be alert for construction workers and equipment.
Please be advised that all proposed construction is within the Village right-of-way or easements. Where private improvements are in the parkway or Village right-of-way, (such as sprinkler systems, electronic invisible fences, landscape features, special decorative boulders, special vegetative plantings, etc.), please call Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc. staff, phone numbers listed below, to discuss how this should be handled.
Utility burial improvements are scheduled to begin the week of February 17, 2025 and continue through April. Roadway resurfacing operations are scheduled to start on or after April 1, 2025, and be completed by June 7, 2025. Weather and unforeseen circumstances may adversely affect the proposed schedule.
In accordance with the Village of Grayslake requirements, working hours are from 7:00 AM to dusk; Monday thru Friday. No work or construction noise is permitted before 7:00 AM. There is currently no work anticipated on weekends or legal, observed holidays.
Project Stakeholders/Local Businesses
Downtown businesses will remain open and accessible throughout construction. Please continue supporting them during construction whenever possible.